domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Beta release of Airpersons. January 2013

After a year and a half of work AIRPERSONS is about to see the light in beta.

Our goal is to introduce us to the public in 2013 TechCrunch's Disrupt in NYC and use it as a platform to launch the project. We jump into the arena and compete as gladiators! To meet the requirements for the TechCrunch's Disrupt the web at this moment is open for loading users profiles only. Three months prior to TechCrunch's Disrupt, it will open with all its features.

AirPersons is an on-line service market place through live video chat, whose objectives are:
- Globalising the world of on-line services to get lower prices in traditionally expensive services such as doctor's advice, legal consultations, tutoring, etc. It only takes two persons speaking the same language to benefit from the advantage of currency exchange when purchasing a service.

- Connecting supply and demand of services (consultations and classes) immediately, saving time and eliminating delays. For example: I wish to talk to a doctor right now and I cannot wait for an appointment, I have witnessed an accident and want to talk to a lawyer to find out whether or not I should move the wounded and the responsibilities that I might eventually face.

When doing our research, we found there are doctors in India offering on-line consultations for $ 10, and how lawyers in different U.S. States compete to gain customers by lowering the prices of their consultations.

AirPersons is also a way for professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants) and students to earn an additional income by offering their knowledge, Math classes, language tuitions, etc. Even housewives can offer traditional local cooking classes, certainly more than one would like to learn Thai cuisine and many in Asia will be happy to taste the Thanksgiving's turkey!

We all have something to share with someone somewhere in the world.

To achieve all this, AirPersons has the advantage of being available in 25 languages from the start reaching to more than 2 billion potential customers. AirPersons has also more than 1000 service categories.

It has been many months of hard work, and now the show begins.

NYC here we go!
The AirPersons team

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